Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Knots to the Rescue

Ladies, as you know, our hair is an everyday challenge. In most cases, a presentable hairdo takes time. And unfortunately, time is scarce these days. A good blow out or a crown of gorgeous curls can run you anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Even a pretty ponytail can cost you 10 to 20 minutes. 
Who has the time?! 

Enter the Top Knot. Quick (I'm talking 2 to 5 minutes), relaxed, yet somehow also soft and polished, a top knot can be a real life saver when time is of the essence. Ladies, if you have not yet attempted one of these amazing time savers, otherwise known as top knots...it's about time you do yourself a favor. 

Braided Top Knot

Beehive Top Knot

 Polished Top Knot

 Twisted Top Knot

Unicorn Top Knot

Messy Top Knot with Baby Bouffant Bangs

 Top Knot + Flowers

At a close friend's wedding this weekend, I found myself with less than 5 minutes to do my hair (engage panic mode). This quick, messy bun tutorial popped into my head and saved the day. They handed out a beautiful strings of flowers which I added to my messy bun and viola!

1. Pinterest // 2. Pinterest // 3. Pinterest // 4. Pinterest // 5. Pinterest // 6. Pinterest // 7. Pinterest

Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Aspirational Resolutions for The New Year

Happy New Year my Lovlies!

The beginning of a new year is good time to reflect, recalibrate, refocus and then...dominate.

Have you set your New Year's resolutions yet? I've really enjoyed reading others' resolutions and wanted to share my favorite five:

  1. Set smaller monthly goals to help you achieve your larger goals
  2. Create (something, anything)
  3. Believe and invest (your time, your energy, your money) in YOU 
  4. Give more
  5. Nourish: friendships, relationships and YOU (physically, spiritually, intellectually)

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Minute of Inspiration: The Power of Thought

During the month of October, each person at my office sent out an inspirational quote and article to share with the rest of the company. A wonderful idea initiated by my boss, each of us were exposed to a variety of inspiring projects, videos, quotes, articles and movies.

As we move into the new year and start to think about our new year's resolutions, I wanted to share the email that I shared with my co-workers. 

I hope you find some inspiration in it:

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny."

I've seen this quote credited to everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Ralph Waldo Emerson to Lao Tse. The first person to bestow this eye-opening gem upon me was my Dad. So in this case-- I credit him. 

What we think, and how we think; we become. 

"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." When is the last time that you've paid attention to that voice in your head? Just passively listened to your own internal dialogue? Is it constructive? Destructive? Negative? Positive? With all of the noise in our lives, it's good to check in every now and then. I strongly believe (and often forget) that each of our thoughts plays a role in shaping our lives…for better or worse. 

How you think and act is what you attract. 

With that I'll share this article from www.marcandangel.com, "60 Quotes that Will Change the Way You Think.I find these quotes to be uplifting and inspirational, I hope that you do, too.

There is one last thing I'd like to leave you with for when you have 30 minutes to listen to a good story. Here is a link to an episode of my favorite podcast, This American Life. "Hit The Road" is the true story of Andrew Foresthoefel, who at 23 years old walked across America with a 50 pound backpack, a mandolin, and a sign that said, walking to listen. This podcast is about his personal journey and the life stories and lessons from those he met along the way.

Love & Light,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pretty Holiday Nails

Inspired by glittering Christmas lights, glistening snow, shiny tinsel and all things winter; the holidays provide creative license to all-- including those who may not typically embellish their tips with glitter and glitz. That said, bust out those festive polishes that you've always wanted to use and get creative!

 My holiday mani here was inspired by our cute little Bauble Tree.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

6 Pretty Jewelry Finds

I just love these pieces of jewelry I've come across in the past couple of weeks. Romantic, unique and delicate these pretty pieces are perfect for summer and would make for wonderful gifts.
I'll take two of each, please. 

Love and Hope Rings by Deva Sharp Designs

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Minute in the Life: 5 Fabulous Things from My (4th of July) Weekend

Hoping you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Time spent with good friends, lots (too much) of good food, 10-15ish episodes of Arrested Development and countless hours of sleep is how I spent my extended weekend. It was beautiful. I also got around to creating my first new card this year-- I know that sounds rather lazy of me considering it's already July, but please know that I spent the first half of this year on my biggest, most ambitious art project yet...designing and making by hand the 150+ wedding invitations for our wedding later this year! More to come on that...for now, please enjoy...

1// Handmade, watercolor "Happy Heart" Birthday Card by Yours Truly

2// Life-sized Jenga on the beach!

3// Dirt & Worms and Nerds Cupcakes-- surprisingly delicious.

4// 'Merica

5// The Charleston Burger from one of my favorite spots in LA, The Charleston

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bocaditos with a Twist


If you ever find yourself in a situation where a good friend of yours is throwing a Havana Nights themed birthday party and you're not sure what to bring...boy, do I have a solution for you-- Bocaditos!

These tasty, little, cuban party sandwiches are perfectly small (and filling) and are sure to be real crowd pleaser. I found the recipe here on Mmmm...Cuba and made a couple of changes to add some more flavor and spice.

BOCADITOS (makes 24 sandwiches)
3/4 lb smoked ham
2 (8 oz) packages of Philadelphia Whipped Cream Cheese 
1 bottle Mezzetta Hot Chili Peppers 
1 bottle or can of Sliced JalapeƱo Peppers
2 dozen soft dinner rolls (I used mini-bun or slider rolls which are pre-cut)

1. Slice & Dice
Slice the ham and dice the amount of Chili Peppers and Jalapeno Peppers you'd like to use depending on how spicy you want your sandwiches to be. I used about 6 Chili Peppers and 7 Jalapeno Peppers.

2. Mix
Mix the sliced ham and diced peppers with the cream cheese until smooth.

3. Spread the Love
Spread mixture on rolls.

I'm so glad I learned about these little gems-- they make for great small bites to bring to a party or picnic. I'm sure I'll be making a lot more of these this Summer.

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