Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Aspirational Resolutions for The New Year

Happy New Year my Lovlies!

The beginning of a new year is good time to reflect, recalibrate, refocus and then...dominate.

Have you set your New Year's resolutions yet? I've really enjoyed reading others' resolutions and wanted to share my favorite five:

  1. Set smaller monthly goals to help you achieve your larger goals
  2. Create (something, anything)
  3. Believe and invest (your time, your energy, your money) in YOU 
  4. Give more
  5. Nourish: friendships, relationships and YOU (physically, spiritually, intellectually)

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Minute of Inspiration: The Power of Thought

During the month of October, each person at my office sent out an inspirational quote and article to share with the rest of the company. A wonderful idea initiated by my boss, each of us were exposed to a variety of inspiring projects, videos, quotes, articles and movies.

As we move into the new year and start to think about our new year's resolutions, I wanted to share the email that I shared with my co-workers. 

I hope you find some inspiration in it:

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny."

I've seen this quote credited to everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Ralph Waldo Emerson to Lao Tse. The first person to bestow this eye-opening gem upon me was my Dad. So in this case-- I credit him. 

What we think, and how we think; we become. 

"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." When is the last time that you've paid attention to that voice in your head? Just passively listened to your own internal dialogue? Is it constructive? Destructive? Negative? Positive? With all of the noise in our lives, it's good to check in every now and then. I strongly believe (and often forget) that each of our thoughts plays a role in shaping our lives…for better or worse. 

How you think and act is what you attract. 

With that I'll share this article from, "60 Quotes that Will Change the Way You Think.I find these quotes to be uplifting and inspirational, I hope that you do, too.

There is one last thing I'd like to leave you with for when you have 30 minutes to listen to a good story. Here is a link to an episode of my favorite podcast, This American Life. "Hit The Road" is the true story of Andrew Foresthoefel, who at 23 years old walked across America with a 50 pound backpack, a mandolin, and a sign that said, walking to listen. This podcast is about his personal journey and the life stories and lessons from those he met along the way.

Love & Light,

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Minute of Inspiration: Maniac Pumpkins

There are three things I love about Halloween: people running around in costumes, the idea of Halloween being a celebration of the end of the 'light' half of the year and the beginning of the 'dark' half and pumpkin art (here are some pretty pumpkins from last year)!

How incredible are these pumpkins?! Childhood friends Chris Soria and Marc Evan, a muralist and an illustrator, had been carving pumpkins for fun until 2009 when the New York Yankees asked them to carve 50 pumpkins in 36 hours for Game 1 of the World Series. The rest is history. Look what these amazing artists can do with a locally grown pumpkin, knives, linoleum cutters and pear-shaped clay loops. It's simply Magic.

'Klimt's Kiss'
// love love love this one //

'Starry Pumpkin'
Watch the making of video here



Check out more of their work at

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Minute in the Life: Anxiously Awaiting Autumn

With temperatures in my apartment reaching 98 degrees this past weekend (curses to whoever didn't install air conditioning)-- I'm done with Summer and ready for Fall and Winter. Cool evenings, rainy weekends, warm, home-cooked meals, fall leaves and autumn skies. Sigh. What about Fall are you most looking forward to?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: I Believe I Can Fly

So cliche, yet so deeply true-- If You believe it, You can achieve it
It may not happen in the exact way you imagined, 
but the essence of what you truly believe (and work hard for) will come true.

Be inspired by this palm-sweating, heart-racing, passion drenched documentary trailer by the French director Sebastien Montaz-Rosset. "I Believe I Can Fly (Flight of the Frenchies)

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: Halloween Makeup

While looking for some makeup ideas for my Halloween costume this year, I came across these amazing gems of inspiration. Makeup decals, face paint, glitter, sequins, fake lashes, hair dye and colored contacts really make for a dramatic Halloween look. If you're like me, and your Halloween costume comes ready to go in a bag-- meaning there is very little room for costume creativity..the way I like to add my own unique flair is through the way I do my makeup. Hope these inspire you to do something amazing with your Halloween makeup this year!

Here's how my makeup turned out (I wish I would have taken a close up, I'm the Queen of Hearts;)...the shadow I bought looked sparkly red in the store...but turned out to be more of a black color :/ Important tip, try makeup colors on your hand before you buy them so you know exactly what you're going to get! Happy Halloween!

All images here are from Summit Fashions (they have really cool makeup kits that come with decals), Solution Lens (huge variety of colored contact lenses), Shel Cosmetics, Eye Makeup Photos, and Become Gorgeous (all great sites for makeup inspiration).

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Pretty Pumpkins

 Cinderalla's Crystallized Charriot


Romantic Pumpkins

The PUMPkin

Annakin Pumptour

Missoni Maddness

Glitter and Gold

Jack O Louis

The Sequined Treat

Here are our pumpkins...mine is the second one from the left...trying to be pretty ;)

All pumpkin images are from Refinery 29 or Style Caster unless otherwise stated.

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