Monday, January 18, 2016

5 Amazing Benefits of Meditation

Have you tried meditation? I’ve practiced meditation on and off for the past 10 years— and by that I mean I’d meditate for 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there, randomly after a yoga class, spontaneously during a stressful time...but never on a consistent basis. Moving into a new year, I’m attempting to make it a part of my permanent routine. And after a solid week of meditating each morning, I’m already feeling the benefits and am excited to keep it going.

Meditation increases happiness, improves your ability to communicate and focus, boosts creativity and reduces anxiety and stress. We take care of our bodies, we should take care of our minds and well-being too, right? The hardest part, at least for me, was finding the time. I committed to waking up a little earlier everyday (30 minutes) to be able to meditate for 10 minutes each morning and get in a couple of stretches before starting the day. And let me just say, it’s been very rewarding.

This incredibly helpful and well-designed (and free) app, Headspace, has been imperative to my foray into meditation. I highly recommend it. It guides you through a daily, 10 minute meditation. Check out the benefits, download the app and give it a shot— you’ve got nothing to loose and so much to gain!

1) Meditation Reduces Anxiety, Worry, and Stress

"In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. There were also decreases in brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress – and these changes matched the participants’ self-reports of their stress levels, indicating that meditation not only changes the brain, but it changes our subjective perception and feelings as well." - (Forbes)

2) Meditation Increases Happiness

Studies show that meditation increases brain signaling in the left side of the prefrontal cortex, responsible for positive emotions, while decreasing activity in the right side, responsible for negative emotions. It also decreases the brain network responsible for mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts. Mind-wandering (worrying, over-thinking, thinking about things that have already happened, etc.) is associated with being less happy.
(Sources: Forbes, Huffington Post)

3) Meditation Boosts Creativity 

"Research has found meditation to promote ‘divergent thinking’ a type of thinking that allows many new ideas to be generated." -(Headspace)

4) Meditation Reduces Blood Pressure, Heart Attack and Stroke

"More people die of heart diseases in the world than any other illness.
In a study published in late 2012, a group of over 200 high-risk individuals was asked to either take a health education class promoting better diet and exercise or take a class on Transcendental Meditation. During the next 5 years researchers accompanying the participants found that those who took the meditation class had a 48% reduction in their overall risk of heart attack, stroke and death.
They noted that meditation “significantly reduced risk for mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke in coronary heart disease patients. These changes were associated with lower blood pressure and psychosocial stress factors.”
-(Live and Dare)

5) Meditation Promotes Self-Acceptance and Reduces Social Anxiety

"Research has also shown that mindfulness meditation, in contrast to attending to the breath only, can reduce anxiety – and that these changes seem to be mediated through the brain regions associated with those self-referential (“me-centered”) thoughts. Mindfulness meditation has also been shown to help people with social anxiety disorder: a Stanford University team found that MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction, a sub-genre of meditation) brought about changes in brain regions involved in attention, as well as relief from symptoms of social anxiety." The other benefits of meditation, including increased self-awareness and acceptance, also contribute to improved overall well-being.

Monday, August 25, 2014

It's Yours

This song by Jon Cutler with it's poetic lyrics and jazzy house beat never fails to lift the Spirit.
Enjoy! xo

Well, It's yours

What makes you journey into the night
And take flight on a pursuit of musical bliss?
Chasing beats through ghetto streets
To a dungeonous temple left by our soul descendants
In a quest for peace, energy and light.
If you were to find this temple, 
Do you have the knowledge to enter the temple?
Do you want it?
And if you had it, would you flaunt it?
Well It's yours!"

There is approaching light
A-flowing, soaring through your world
The fire burns within your heart
And now it's yours
If you feel it in yourself
I know the light goes through the stars

Acquiring entrance to the temple is hard but fair.
Trust in God-forsaken elements
Because the reward is well worth the journey.
Stay steadfast in your pursuit of the light.
The light is knowledge.
Do you want it?
And if you had it, would you flaunt it?
It's yours!"

There is approaching light
A-flowing, soaring through your world
The fire burns within your heart
And now it's yours
If you feel it in yourself
I know the light goes through the stars

Well, It's yours

Well, It's yours

You stay true to your quest.
So let the beauty that is the musical universe engulf
Recharge your spirit.
Purify your mind.
Touch your soul.
And give you the eternal joy and happiness you truly
You now have the knowledge.
Do you want it?
And if you had it, would you flaunt it?
Well It's yours!"

Well, It's yours


There is approaching light
A-flowing, soaring through your world
The fire burns within your heart
And now it's yours
If you feel it in yourself
I know the light goes through the stars

There is approaching light
A-flowing, soaring through your world
The fire burns within your heart
And now it's yours
If you feel it in yourself
I know the light goes through the stars

Well, It's yours
Well, It's yours

Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Aspirational Resolutions for The New Year

Happy New Year my Lovlies!

The beginning of a new year is good time to reflect, recalibrate, refocus and then...dominate.

Have you set your New Year's resolutions yet? I've really enjoyed reading others' resolutions and wanted to share my favorite five:

  1. Set smaller monthly goals to help you achieve your larger goals
  2. Create (something, anything)
  3. Believe and invest (your time, your energy, your money) in YOU 
  4. Give more
  5. Nourish: friendships, relationships and YOU (physically, spiritually, intellectually)

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Minute of Inspiration: The Power of Thought

During the month of October, each person at my office sent out an inspirational quote and article to share with the rest of the company. A wonderful idea initiated by my boss, each of us were exposed to a variety of inspiring projects, videos, quotes, articles and movies.

As we move into the new year and start to think about our new year's resolutions, I wanted to share the email that I shared with my co-workers. 

I hope you find some inspiration in it:

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny."

I've seen this quote credited to everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Ralph Waldo Emerson to Lao Tse. The first person to bestow this eye-opening gem upon me was my Dad. So in this case-- I credit him. 

What we think, and how we think; we become. 

"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it." When is the last time that you've paid attention to that voice in your head? Just passively listened to your own internal dialogue? Is it constructive? Destructive? Negative? Positive? With all of the noise in our lives, it's good to check in every now and then. I strongly believe (and often forget) that each of our thoughts plays a role in shaping our lives…for better or worse. 

How you think and act is what you attract. 

With that I'll share this article from, "60 Quotes that Will Change the Way You Think.I find these quotes to be uplifting and inspirational, I hope that you do, too.

There is one last thing I'd like to leave you with for when you have 30 minutes to listen to a good story. Here is a link to an episode of my favorite podcast, This American Life. "Hit The Road" is the true story of Andrew Foresthoefel, who at 23 years old walked across America with a 50 pound backpack, a mandolin, and a sign that said, walking to listen. This podcast is about his personal journey and the life stories and lessons from those he met along the way.

Love & Light,

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: The 30 Day Challenge, You Game?

I'm all about the TED talks this week! I was really inspired when I watched this quick, 3 minute talk given by Matt Cutts, the head of Google's Webspam team. He encourages you to try something new, something you've always wanted to do, for 30 days. A 30 Day Challenge! Who doesn't love a challenge? Today is September 30th, and I thought today would be the perfect day to post this considering tomorrow is the 1st. I'm still thinking about what I'm going to try for 30 days...what are you going to try? Like Matt says, "What are you waiting for?!?"

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: 3 Things Ric Elias Learned While His Plane Crashed

Have you guys seen this? If not, please watch it, it's only 5 minutes. It's the three things that we've heard said to us a million times...but have they really sunk in yet? Have you forgotten? Ric Elias does such a great job at reminding the world of how we should live.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: Shake that Negative Energy

Let's face it, we all have a bad day here and there. It's easy to spiral down that dark, murky hole of negativity- and having to gather the energy to claw your way back up out of it without taking a couple of casual bystanders down with you can take a little motivation. Here are some websites that I like to read when I loose my footing:

this article on Pick The Brain

When all else fails...I read this, Fail Blog, or watch this video below and it makes me remember that really, when all is said and done...most of the stuff we stress and worry about just isn't that serious.

Friday, January 7, 2011's good for you.

This video was entitled "Workout your abs by doing these laughing exercises."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letting Go of Fear

Fear is learned. We are not born with Fear.

I've realized, the older I get, the more Fear I have. The more Fear I have, the more stress I have, the more stress I have, the more cautious and inflexible I become; being cautious and inflexible makes you one serious person who is afraid to make moves and welcome change.

I remember back to when I was 26...I did not feel, act or have such restricting fears and anxiety like I do now. I'm sure many of you feel exactly the same way.

For what it's worth, it's something to think about, how these fears and anxiety found their way into our psyche, into our it our increasingly fast paced lifestyle? Media? Societal Pressures? In the end I guess it doesn't matter. What matters is getting these Fears and Anxiety OUT of our psyche and re-gaining control of our true selves. How do we do this?

This video sparked this blog posting. It's a literal example of people that have not let Fear restrict them. By letting go of, or possibly never having Fear, the possibilities become boundless.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Letting Go of the Oars and Going with the Flow as opposed to Against it...

"Stop making life so difficult and stop being so uptight. Let yourself go with the flow.

It doesn't mean you must give up on any of your goals or compromise your values. Simply find a way to live those values and to move toward those goals within the context of what's already happening.

Listen to your intuition. Instead of endlessly analyzing and strategizing, go with what you feel is right.

Have the confidence to know that you can successfully handle whatever may come along. Truly enjoy the experience of being alive and immersed in the wonder of it all.

Accept that there are things you simply cannot know right now. Act peacefully, purposefully and intelligently on what you do know.

It will be all right. For within the constant, wondrous flow of life is all you need to make it so."

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The following is taken from a site that I have made a habit of reading everyday.

"The path to true happiness

What is the path to true happiness? How far must you go to find happiness?

You need not go very far at all. For happiness is always inside you, ready whenever you are.

No object, no person, no circumstance will make you happy. You are always happy when you decide to be.

The good things in life do not cause happiness. It is precisely the other way around.

Allow happiness to flow out from you, and the good things in life will surround you and fill your world. Choose to be happy, with no conditions imposed upon that happiness, and you'll create the ideal conditions for your life.

Happiness is a beautiful gift you can give yourself no matter what. Give it freely and it will change your world."

-- Ralph Marston

Tomorrow I take off for Sydney, Australia.

Surprise, surprise, the weather in Sydney is great...until the day I fly in! I swear, read through my travels in this blog, every city I fly into, I make it rain. I guess I can look at it in a positive light; rain brings life and growth. Right? Right.

Thanks to my good fortune of being able to travel so many times a year, having had a long distance boyfriend which had me packing just about every other weekend, and still not being settled into my own place (living out of boxes, my car and suitcases); packing has been a breeze. I have it down to an art. So much so that I can't believe how easy it was. Actually, did I forget something?

Stay tuned, this should, I'm sorry, this will be, an awesome trip.
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