Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Experience & Explore: The Japanese Gardens, Van Nuys, California

"The beauty of the "garden of water and fragrance" (Suiho En) creates for the visitor a world of meditative calm where it is possible to focus on the simple and beautiful things in nature, and our lives." - The Japanese Garden

A real hidden treasure, The Japanese Garden in Van Nuys is a wonderful way to escape Los Angeles and soak in some Yin to balance all that Yang. This beautiful and authentic garden brought back so many peaceful memories of the Gardens in Japan. You can see one of the gardens we visited in Kyoto here and a garden in Shinjuku here.

Here the air is fragrant, clean and clear. Birds chirp, the wind rustles through the leaves, and the sound of the waterfall is soothing and tranquil. Once inside the walls of this 6 1/2 acre garden I literally felt time slooooooowww down.

The next time you need to restore your inner-peace and set your worries free, I highly recommend doing yourself a favor and visiting this secluded little gem. 

The Japanese Garden 6100 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, California 91406 T: (818).756.8166

Do you have a hidden local getaway to escape the crazy?

1 comment:

A Mode World said...

Looks so serene and peaceful :) I'm off to Nagara-on-the-lake this weekend to celebrate my anniversary. xA

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