Monday, October 31, 2011

A Minute of Inspiration: Halloween Makeup

While looking for some makeup ideas for my Halloween costume this year, I came across these amazing gems of inspiration. Makeup decals, face paint, glitter, sequins, fake lashes, hair dye and colored contacts really make for a dramatic Halloween look. If you're like me, and your Halloween costume comes ready to go in a bag-- meaning there is very little room for costume creativity..the way I like to add my own unique flair is through the way I do my makeup. Hope these inspire you to do something amazing with your Halloween makeup this year!

Here's how my makeup turned out (I wish I would have taken a close up, I'm the Queen of Hearts;)...the shadow I bought looked sparkly red in the store...but turned out to be more of a black color :/ Important tip, try makeup colors on your hand before you buy them so you know exactly what you're going to get! Happy Halloween!

All images here are from Summit Fashions (they have really cool makeup kits that come with decals), Solution Lens (huge variety of colored contact lenses), Shel Cosmetics, Eye Makeup Photos, and Become Gorgeous (all great sites for makeup inspiration).


Katherine said...

This are all amazing - especially the first one! Wow.

Katherine said...

This are all amazing - especially the first one! Wow.

Unknown said...

amazing photos. yes, love the first one. :) great blog, and love your writing style. :) you have a new follower, and hoping to stay connected! cheers! :)


abdulmuqeet said...

Whatttt aa lovely post !!!

easy halloween makeup tutorial

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