Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why, Hey There New Year!

My most recent painting, "It's Cold & Dreamy Out."

The top of Mission Peak.

I have reason to believe it's going to be a pretty amazing year, well, at least for me :):

..A cow charged me..
..On NYE, at the stroke of midnight, I happened to be serving a table and rang in the New Year with a total group of strangers (as usual), or so I thought. When I actually looked around I realized I went to High School with one of the girls in the group..
..I saw 5 HUGE shooting stars one night, and when I pulled over to look for more, the second I saw the 6th one, I looked back down and there was a deer standing in front of me (it's so odd, I feel like I sound like I'm fibbing)..
..I had been working on a painting long before the above mentioned "deer incident," check out the picture above...scary..


DJ CAMS said...

love your new painting. and A Perfect Circle rulezzz!

DJ CAMS said...

love your new painting! and A Perfect Circle rulezzzz too.

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